Cairo 3




In early December I went camping with some teachers from school to Waddi Raiyan. Waddi Raiyan is a beautiful part of the desert about 3 hours from Cairo. There are a couple lakes in the Waddi and a natural spring that supports a remote coptic monastery. However, the most beautiful part of the Waddi is the dunes! These pictures are a repeat of the ones on the Waddi Raiyan page (which I'll delete eventually.)

A bizarre rock formation in the Waddi.

An old German mine from WWII.

Riding up top of Marc Anderson's beast.

For our 9th anniversary, we flew to Aswan for the weekend and stayed at the famous 'Old Cataract Hotel'. It was a fun place to stay!

For the long weekend of Eid in January, we did a 3 day trip with friends in the spectacular 'White Desert'.

This Coptic Christian settlement in the White Desert is littered with pottery shards all over the ground. The settlement dates to Roman times.

February 3, 2004
Keir Paesel